Lunchtime Rugby Club for 1st Years (by Mr. Bunting)

A lunchtime rugby club for first years will take place each Tuesday starting this week on September the 12th. The club...

6th Year Japanese (by Ms. O’Loughlin)

Yen from 6th year Japanese class visited our friends in Iwate Prefecture in Japan during the summer. Their hockey team...

6th Year Japanese

Luke, Aoife and Oisin from the 6th year Japanese class are going to do a home stay with families in...

School summer programme – 19th June to the 30th June.

There are still spaces available on the school summer programme for 19th June to the 30th June. The programme is...

1i Irish Class ice cream treat (by Ms Finglas)

Mags and I  brought all of 1I on a walk during Irish class to get an ice-cream or a slushy...

Junior Girls Cricket win League.

Junior Girls Cricket beat Sandford Park by 114 runs to win the Junior A League. [Haley Moore was also on...

2L CSPE CBAs 2023

Matthew Nixon & Harry McNeely produced excellent displays as part of their CSPE CBA on Biodiversity & Tree Planting in...

TY Graduation & Awards 2023 (more photos)

TY Graduation 2023

TY showcase & graduation 2023

Parents & guardians got to see TY year projects in the library prior to Showcase & Graduation ceremony.