- Incoming First Years must attend Thursday 24th and Friday 25th of August for induction.
- It is important for all other pupils to attend their assembly with their Year head & form teachers at the scheduled time in Mount Temple Hall.
- Timetables and other important information will be distributed at these assemblies.
The cost for the school journal is €12 this will be payable online via the school App.
Full classes commence on Tuesday August 29th at 8:40am
TY Induction days Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th of August. Classes will begin on Wednesday August 30th
Mount Temple’s BOOK LISTS, school policies and upcoming events may be viewed on the school website and school App.
Annual Voluntary Contribution
The school requests a contribution of €250 per family annually. However any amount, higher or lower, is much appreciated. This contribution is voluntary.
If you are a PAYE or self-employed tax payer, the completion and return of a CHY4 form enables the school to claim a refund of tax back from the Revenue Commissioners.You will be notified of this at the end of the calendar year.
Mount Temple App
This is currently our main method of communication – it is essential you have downloaded it.
NB Three easy ways to get our App:
1. Download (search for Mount Temple) on App Store or Google Play
2. Allow push notifications – OK
3. Register – Use your email address and password of your choice. Please ensure that your name, email & mobile number (parents only) details entered on the app correspond with the details the school holds for you on their internal administration system.Please inform us immediately of any changes so we can keep our files updated.
4. Set your profile
In brief:
- The school is obliged to keep accurate attendance records for each pupil and an explanation for each absence must be provided by parent / guardian on the App. Parents/Guardians are requested to send a message via the app if the student is going to be late or absent. If leaving school early an app message must be received prior to 9 a.m., after 9 a.m., in the case of an emergency, the school office must be called explaining the reason to leave. A communication is sent from the school if your child is marked absent at roll call when no explanatory message is received.
- Appropriate clothes should be worn to school (see Dress Code).
- Appropriate clothing is also required for PE – Note CONVERSE runners are not suitable footwear for PE.
- The school accepts no liability for loss of such items as coats, bicycles, watches, mobile phones, etc and parents/guardians are advised that it is possible to obtain insurance cover for the same by a personal effects extension to the householder’s policy. Parents/guardians are advised not to allow pupils to bring large sums of money or other valuables to school.
- When teachers are unavoidably absent through illness, every effort is made to arrange for substitution, and occasionally the timetable has to be adjusted. When this is not possible, it is sometimes arranged for the senior cycle pupils to be sent home early.
- All pupils must vacate the school premises within 15 minutes of the end of classes unless involved in school activities.
Parent’s Association
The Parents’ Association is very active and provides support essential to the continuation and development of the schools policies, practices and extra-curricular programme. The school encourages all parents to join the Parents’ Association and get involved!
The Sports Council
The focus of the council is the organisation and funding of sport in the school. Students, staff and parents participate in this vibrant and important group. New members are always welcome.
June 2023