Amnesty International

Amnesty MT is a student-led group in affiliation with Amnesty International. Amnesty MT explores issues about social justice and human rights here in Ireland and around the world. We raise awareness of problems affecting our own city such as homelessness, direct provision and climate change, and also participate in campaigns organised by Amnesty International.
If you are interested in participating in Amnesty MT, contact Ms Nic Ruairí.
Christian Union
Christian Union is for students at all stages on their faith journey, or for those who are interested to explore a little bit more.
Each week students and staff meet to discuss life, the universe and everything in between! In the past we have performed dramas, created sculptures, cracked codes and played games; all with a view to understanding how God/Faith/Religion is relevant to teenagers in 21st century Ireland.
Everyone is welcome.
Mr. Murray.