All Ireland Linguistic Olympiad – AILO
Every year Mount Temple students represent the school in the All Ireland Linguistic Olympiad. Students meet once a week and practice language puzzles. During the pandemic, they could take part in online workshops organised by the Adapt Centre, DCU.
The All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO) is a contest in which secondary school students develop their own strategies for solving problems in fascinating languages from around the globe.
The All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad was established in 2009 and Ireland has competed in the International Linguistics Olympiad since then.
Ms Kuruc is the coordinating teacher for AILO.
Participating students register with Gaisce online and pay the registration fee directly to Gaisce.
Students will then be allocated into groups and assigned PALs. (President’s Award Leader) once registration has closed.
PALs will meet students regularly to check on their progress and answer questions. PALs are there to support the students. However, it is the student’s own responsibility to keep activities and records up to date.
The programme takes a minimum of 26 weeks to complete so it is essential that students start in September.
The Adventure Journey (Hike) is a requirement for the Bronze Award. Only students who are on schedule with the other sections of the award will usually be allowed to take part. This shows their commitment to the programme.
Ms Purdy is the coordinating teacher for Gaisce in Mount Temple.
Sustainable Campus

Co-ordinator Ms Geary
Mount Temple is committed to an education that opens students’ eyes to the realities of the world and their part in changing it.
Creating a Sustainable Campus is an ongoing process that teaches the importance of the choices we make, and how everyone can play their part. Our goals include working toward: A Carbon Neutral School, Sustainable Food Production, Waste Reduction, Sustainable Waste Management and Increasing Biodiversity.