AILO (All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad) by Ms Kuruc.

The Preliminary Round of the All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad took place today. The following students took part in the competition: ...

Gaeilge Posters (by Miss Ryan’s 2nd Year class).

Dara Bliain lovely póstaeir on the Rule Breaking Irregular Verbs!

Well done to the Mount Temple pupils who took part in the ITMA Maths quiz.

Our 4th placed team at IMTA (Maths) quiz. A superb achievement, most teams had TY students also so to place...

1L CSPE posters: Human Rights Timelines.

In their CSPE class pupils of 1L produced Timelines of key events in the history of Human Rights. Check out...

1U CSPE Human Rights Timelines Posters

In their CSPE class the pupils of 1U created timelines showing key moments in the History of Human Rights. Check...

3rd Year Japanese: posters of athletes (by Ms O’Loughlin).

3rd Year Japanese are learning about Japanese sports and to start with, they have made posters featuring Japanese athletes. Check...

Language Ambassadors from UCD give presentation to 5th & 6th Year pupils (by Ms Kuruc).

5th and 6th-year students had a chance to attend a Language Ambassadors Presentation delivered by final-year language students from UCD...

Staff Training Day – Tuesday the 23rd of January

The school will be closed on Tuesday the 23rd of January to facilitate a staff training day.   

Early Finish, 3.05, Thursday the 18th of January

In order to facilitate the running of the 5th year Parent-teacher meeting classes will finish at 3.05 on Thursday the...

TY Japanese trip to restaurant (by Ms O’Loughlin)

A second TY group went to local Japanese restaurant on 12 January and tried using chopsticks and tasted bento boxes....