Start date for the 25-26 Academic year

The start date for the 25-26 academic year will be Wednesday the 20th of August 2025. A full reopening schedule...

Hygiene Hub fundraiser & products donation (by Ms Doyle’s TY Fundraiser Class).

Ms Doyle’s TY class are working on a fundraiser for the charity: Hygiene Hub. Hygiene Hub is a Charity for collecting sanitary products  for...

2L History CBAs

In their History class each pupil had to research a topic on the theme of the ‘Past is My Place’...

Two early closure dates added to the Calendar

Please note that two early closure dates have been added to the whole school calendar.    On Friday April the...

Lá Glas/Wear something green fundraiser for Gaza (Friday 14th March)

Beidh “Lá Glas” siúl ar an Déardaoin 16ú. We are asking teachers and students to wear something green on Friday...

Early Finish, 3.05, Thursday the 6th of March

Classes for all students will finish at 3.05 this Thursday the 6th of March to facilitate the 6th year progress...

1U French (Dream House Designs)

Well done to the 1U students who illustrated their dream house and labelled all the rooms in French. See Gallery...

Team Maths Competition Winners (by Ms Suttle).

Mount Temple students Siún Cummins, Ria Glynn, Jude North and Lua Spencer won the third place trophy at the regional...

Anti-Discrimination Sports Jerseys (designed by pupils in 1i)

In their CSPE class, the pupils of 1i had to design sports jerseys with an anti-discrimination message. Check out a...

Visit from of pupils from Japan (by Ms. O’Loughlin).

Numakunai High School students from Iwate town in Japan visited our school this week. Some 6th year students visited them...